Elketab® Bookkeeping

Only few global accounting establishments control the hold of the auditing market. We have witnessed big companies that have failed numerous times and the auditing firms failing to foresee the coming collapse and intervene in advance. The regulators failed to hold these firms accountable for their auditing practice.


It offers a watchdog framework solution that will regulate the market flawlessly and provide the independent redundancy checks to build society’s trust in business continuity and focus on a quality bookkeeping. ElKetab ®accounting facilitates corporate governance and business practices in line with long-term financial goals.


Offers customized accounting services to a wide range of global business enterprises. The technology platform – Elketab provides one centralized database for accounting positions, risk, cash flow and certain accounting information.

Elketab®+ Financing

It is a solution designed for SMEs to access working capital quickly. The decision process is unique and objective. Elketab Financing is the ultimate solution for any business to grow wisely and to get the required working capital at the terms and conditions set by the business itself, not by any financial institutes.  We are here to make you stand on your feet and be part of your business continuity success journey because we care for the value you add to society. The value of creating sustainable products, accountable service delivery, and employing people who care about the environment we live in.

Elketab® ++ Investing

Investors find it difficult during the turmoil to diversify their portfolios as only a few handful options are available for real growth and sound opportunities. We have seen hedge funds losing despite the amount of diversification strategy they have implemented.


We have a new landscape, perspective, and binoculars to look at where to invest because the reality we check is not limited to a top-down or bottom-up approach. It is the view of the Sphere and everything within it and beyond it. This account portfolio is for institutions, corporate clients, high-net-worth individuals, and pooled investment mediums, such as unit trusts.


Elketab® Investing is a leading wealth management platform, empowering the investor to make the best decision for his wealth without hiring advisors as the prospect is well laid out including associated risk factors and exposures that are mapped in one single platform. The model used is a representation of the reality.
The simplicity of the platform analysis provides non-expert investors with information to make viable objective decisions and build portfolios aligned with any investor expectations that will deliver value to the investor, the market, the business, and the society as a whole. Information on expected cash flows and asset valuation. Asabik’s business ethics require that all such information be available equally to all investors.